Are you and your family really safe?
We now sell a Doomsday Prepper “safe room” door, frame, and hardware configuration. It is a 12-gauge door and frame, perfect for building a safe room.
Riots have broken out in Europe and the middle east, giving Americans a good opportunity to learn and prepare.
Typically riots are an outdoor event, so having a safe place inside is the best way to ensure you and your family’s safety. More and more people are angry, hungry, and broke.
With inflation running at 8.6 percent, its fastest pace in 40 years, people are balking at the rising cost of everything from groceries to gas.”

While the situation is stable right now, it can go from bad to worse quite quickly. What happens if America takes that header off the ‘fiscal cliff’ in a few weeks? What might happen when the rest of the mandates for Obamacare take effect next year and more Americans lose their jobs?
Desperation is frequently a catalyst for riots and looting.How safe is your family and home from unwelcome invasion? Now is the time to consider this important part of your plan for keeping your family and your home safe.
If you have a safe room, how safe is it? Is the door strong enough?
Is the frame built to withstand a beating? If you’ve ever seen a door kicked in (even on TV) the door itself isn’t usually the weakest point… the hinges and frame are often ripped right out of the wall.
If you are building a safe room, our door is just what you need. Our safe room door, frame and hardware are designed to work together and offer maximum protection, ideal your safe room construction project.